
Rangitikei Council Draft Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034

Submitting on the Long-term Plans of district and regional councils forms an important part of advocating for farmers – it is an opportunity to influence local rating policies and contain and reduce rating impacts on farmland.

Property value rates can be among the highest overheads for a farm business. Farmers pay more for council services than other residents. 

The Federation advocates for farmers at both national and local levels to bring equity to this situation. We seek reform of local government funding through legislative change and submit and advocate to councils locally for better rating systems.

Download the submission document to read how we are advocating for you. 



  • The Council should reduce expenditure to avoid the need for rates increases above the rate of inflation (4.7% in January 2024).
  • The Council should adopt the maximum amount of 30% of total rate revenue allowed to be allocated to the UAGC under section 21 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 where rateable properties get a benefit from Council services.
  • The Council should fund urban water supply and wastewater disposal services, from a targeted rate on urban properties that receive benefits from those services, and not from any general rate on farm properties.
  • The Council should make use of differentials less than 1.0 for rural farm properties in order to more equitably collect rates from high value rural properties which do not receive a higher rate of service from the general rates collected.