
Feedback to Horizons Regional Council on draft freshwater quality targets 


Federated Farmers have submitted feedback to Horizons Regional Council on the Council’s draft freshwater quality targets (which were recently consulted on). We say:


·       The large reduction targets for nutrients and contaminants are unrealistic and unworkable.

·       We doubt whether there will be any tangible environmental benefit from drastic curtailment of farming, which is what the targets would require.

·       The targets would result in significant adverse economic impacts for the wider community of Horizons Region. Farming makes up over half the economic activity of the Region.

·       The Council needs to get independent peer-reviewed economic analysis of the costs vs benefits of implementing freshwater targets.

·       Review of the One Plan currently being pursued by Horizons Council is rushed and poorly informed with ‘patchy’ supporting analysis. With the RMA deadline for producing new regional freshwater plans now extended to 31 December 2027, the Council should pause the process and do a better job of the analysis.