
Review Of The 2050 Emissions Reduction Target

Draft Advice On Aotearoa New Zealand’s Fourth Emissions Budget Period (2036–2040), Review On Whether Emissions From International Shipping And Aviation Should Be Included In The 2050 Target

Federated Farmers of New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to submit on the three consultation documents released.

Federated Farmers of New Zealand is supportive of the need to take action to contribute to the global effort to address climate change.

Farming is reliant on the climate for the food and fibre that we produce.

Public policy should seek action that supports New Zealand’s natural advantages in agricultural production.

The scientific consensus is that climate change is happening and that humanity, including agriculture, contributes to this.

Reducing biological emissions of nitrous oxide and methane to zero however is impossible without stopping food production. For this reason, and as noted in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement, care needs to be taken to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in a way that does not threaten food production. 

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