
Joint-Submission by Federated Farmers and Beef+Lamb NZ on the National Direction For Plantation And Exotic Carbon Afforestation Discussion Paper

B+LNZ and Federated Farmers (collectively “we”) welcome the opportunity to submit to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) on the ‘National direction for plantation and exotic carbon afforestation’ discussion paper (the discussion paper). 

This joint submission reflects our shared concerns regarding the unsustainable spike in carbon farming and blanket afforestation.  We support many of the preferred options as presented within the discussion document to expand the scope of the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry and to create new National Direction. We request further engagement with officials, and others, on provisions at the national and regional scale that can support communities’ aspirations for integrated carbon forestry plantings that support a vibrant sheep and beef sector.  

Throughout this submission the terms ‘carbon farming’ and ‘carbon forestry’ are used to refer to any forestry that is entered into the ETS. Any forestry registered into the ETS receives the majority of its income from Government issued carbon credits and it is therefore appropriate to refer to this forestry as ‘carbon forestry’, be it carbon-only forestry or carbon and timber forestry. 

These forests will have a role to play in meeting our multiple environmental objectives of carbon removals, biodiversity provision, and erosion control. They also come with risks associated with pests, disease, and fire. We must balance the need for national or catchment level aspirations with what communities are actually able to bear in terms of the scale, pace, and style of change they are experiencing. ‘Right Tree, right place’ needs to become more than a slogan in New Zealand forestry policy. 

To view the full submission click opposite


Macaulay Jones
Senior Policy Advisor
Climate Change, Trade, Forestry, Science & Innovation