
+ gst / ** small operations of <100ha $499


We have a large team of highly skilled Policy Advisors geographically spread around New Zealand working across a wide range of key issues impacting our farmers and the wide farming community. As a Young Farmer, we know you are passionate about the future of farming.....we are too!!

Our dedicated crew work through draft policies and regulations impacting farmers (district, regional and national) seeking to ensure they are sensible, practical, affordable and they support a prosperous and sustainable future for farming.


Via our 0800 free call service members can receive advice on a wide range of industry-related topics including animal welfare, employment law, the environment, health and safety requirements, land access, legal issues, rates, regional resource management, sharemilking, and immigration.


We provide opportunities for you to network and collaborate with fellow industry bodies at both a national and provincial level through meetings and events. 

We also offer great opportunities for professional development to members who want to give something back to their communities, their industry and to learn more about participating in a strong and well-respected advocacy organisation.

Contracts & Agreements

Our contracts and agreements are safer than a handshake. Our policy team collaborate with a legal team to ensure our contracts and agreements are in keeping with current legislation. 

We have over 15 different documents designed to make business life easier. They are available to members at just a fraction of what you would pay a lawyer to prepare the same material. 
Everything from employment contracts, grazing, land, stock leasing agreements and contract services.


We communicate with our members and the wider public through many different outlets, including our own website, FEDSNEWS (print and online), live webinars (Policy Presents), the weekly “5@5” and the popular podcast FEDTalks. 

We also publish newsletters and information for members targeted to their province and their sector


We provide opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills for you and your staff through a range of on-farm provincial workshops, national conferences, industry presentations and activities. 

Through our extensive networks we enable providers to impart their technical advice and expertise to bring you up-to-date with new technology, innovation and developments. We provide additional support through our provincial networks, factsheets, Industry reports, policy workshops (via our ‘Policy Presents’ webinars) and resources. 

Create an account (or sign in if you have previously created an account) to complete the farm owner membership form.

Previously created an account?

Click here to go directly to the form. 

Create your account:

The password must be at least 7 characters long.