Member Advisory

Federated Farmers supporting Marlborough farmers through drought challenges


To: Marlborough members

As we face a challenging drought event, it's crucial to act swiftly to mitigate its impacts on our community.
As farmers, we excel in caring for environmental and animal health, however we often overlook our own wellbeing. The farming industry's isolation and the numerous external challenges can quickly overwhelm us. 
A number of farmers are reporting that they are extremely dry and have been feeding out already. Efforts are underway by Federated Farmers to get the drought in Marlborough officially classified as an adverse event to recognise the urgency of the situation. Classifying the drought as an adverse event will allow us to get support quicker from central and local government and organisations such as MPI. 
Mental health concerns are escalating, and we must safeguard our farming families from burnout and other severe consequences. Remember, you don't have to tough it out alone. Reach out for help, and together, we can navigate through this challenging period. 
Feds are working to organise community events with the Rural Support Trust to help foster support and solidarity. Members of Marlborough Feds including Harry Matthews (our field rep) will be attending the Flaxbourne show on the 24th of March and would love a catch up with you.
Let's support each other through this adversity, ensuring that no farmer or their family member suffers in silence. 
Don't hesitate to reach out and take steps early. If you need anything please do not hesitate in contacting myself, Federated Farmers or utilising any of the resources listed below.
Evan White
Federated Farmers Marlborough Provincial President
T: 03 572 2592
M: 021 999 890
E: [email protected]

The following resources are available if you or someone you know needs support:

  • Is it an emergency? If you feel you or someone else is at immediate risk or harm, call 111 or go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department.
  • Phone your local DHB Mental Health Crisis Team. Select your DHB for contact numbers or ring Healthline 0800 611 116.
  • For mental health advice and support for rural communities we recommend the Rural Support Trust:, 0800 787 254
  • Ideas for improving your health and wellbeing:
  • There is a wealth of useful information at and at
  • Rural after-hours telehealth service is also available. Rural communities can access the service, by calling 0800 2 KA ORA (0800 252 672)
  • Lifeline - 0800 543 354 or (09) 522 2999
  • Youthline - 0800 376 633
  • Samaritans - 0800 726 666